Sharon Taylor


Sharon Taylor

Sharon F. Taylor is a writer, researcher, and speaker with a lifelong interest in Jewish genealogy. For the past ten years, she has been researching and writing about her family’s roots in Austrian Galicia. Taylor has presented her work to synagogues, community groups, and genealogical societies including the International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies.


Her pieces have been published on The National Library of Israel Blog, and in Jewish newspapers in Philadelphia and Arizona. Sharon is an active member of JGASGP and Gesher Galicia, and has published articles in their quarterly journals.


Sharon’s topics include:

  1. Extra! Extra! Read All About It! Using Old Newspapers to Research Your Family History
  2. Schlep Me Home Country Road: A Virtual Visit to our Ancestral Shtetls
  3. Wish You Were Here: Postcards from Eastern Europe
  4. Bootleggers and Bawdy Houses: Crime in Early 20th Century Philadelphia